Did you know that heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US? Many Americans suffer from lack of exercise, poor diets, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which lead to diseases and for many, heart disease. Heart health is extremely important for longevity and optimal health. So what can you do to improve heart health long term?

The easy answer is to improve your VO2 max through aerobic exercise. VO2 max is a physiological parameter by which we are able to estimate how much oxygen your body consumes when working at a very high level of exercise. This measurement can be a good indication of a person’s overall health and body function as it includes multiple body systems from the heart, to lungs, and even blood vessels. Experts say that a poor VO2 max is a good predictor of future cardiac events and should not be taken lightly.*
Muscle strength is important to protect joints and reduce risk for injury, but when it comes to heart health, do not skimp out on aerobic exercises. According to this study that looked at the relationship between physical activity and cardiovascular disease, they concluded that aerobic power appears to have a positive influence on cardiovascular disease risk factors, and showed a reduction in risk factors in as little as 9 weeks. (1)*
There are so many fun ways that you can perform aerobic activity and it does not have to be solely in the gym on the treadmill. Getting outside can be a wonderful way to get in some aerobic activity whether that be walking, running, hiking, biking, swimming, skating, or whatever you prefer that increases your heart rate and gets your body moving.*

Sometimes however, some people may want a little extra boost to their VO2 max levels and Protea Nutrition’s Vitality+ is the perfect supplement for the job! Peak 02 mushrooms are a blend of six mushrooms including cordyceps militaris, that act as potent adaptogens helping the body adapt to stress. Peak O2 mushroom blends also contain high levels of powerful antioxidants called L-Ergothioneine and beta-glucans that combat oxidative stress.*
Cordyceps militaris in particular stands out for its ability to improve VO2 max according to this study (2). 10 volunteers supplemented with the mushrooms, after the first week no change was indicated, but after approximately 3 weeks, VO2 max significantly had improved, showing that supplementation of cordyceps militaris may improve tolerance to high-intensity exercise. This study shows that Vitality+ is a great addition before any high intensity workout, seeing as though it contains a blend of peak O2 mushrooms. If you are looking to improve VO2 max and reap the benefits of improved heart health through exercise, Vitality+ is perfect for you, and also provides a clean energy source through green coffee beans for natural energy.*
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.