How Harmony+ may improve sleep

Proper sleep is one of the most restorative processes the body needs for overall health. This is when our bodies undergo recovery and renewal within all its functions. Many struggle …

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Plant based protein 101

The plant based food industry has been booming and vegan protein supplements have gained popularity, especially in the plant based community. Vegan protein powders can help those following a plant based …

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Myo-Inositol VS Metformin

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) impacts 1 in 10 women, yet it takes an average of two years and three or more office visits with a medical provider to make the …

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Are you addicted to caffeine?

“But first coffee!” You have probably seen that sentence floating around on meme’s, t-shirts, instagram posts, coffee mugs, you name it. A large part of the population can not live …

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The importance of prioritizing gut health

Phrases like “having a gut instinct” or “feeling like you have butterflies in your stomach” really do mean something! The gut-brain connection is extremely significant and real, influencing more than …

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Protea Nutrition

Protea Nutrition

The Protea flower symbolizes growth and transformation.
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