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Brittney Stracener: How I Transitioned Into a Plant Based Diet

Brittney and child

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First off, what is a plant based diet?

A plant based diet emphasizes eating whole fruits and vegetables, consuming lots of whole grains, and staying away from (or at least minimizing) the intake of animal products and processed foods.

I follow a plant based diet about 80% of the time. The other 20% is wild caught seafood. I have decided to completely rid my diet from dairy and all land animals. Land animals meaning anything that walks or crawls on land.

I didn’t just one day cut out all meat cold turkey! I eased my way into over the course of 6
months. Here are a few things I did to transition:

  • I started by exploring different plant based “”meat” options at the grocery store. I made it a fun and exciting part of my week. Walking through the frozen section and picking out different items with high protein and minimal ingredients. Trying them all until I found the ones I loved.
  • I switched all pasta and carb sources to higher protein options. Lentil pasta instead of regular pasta, regular breads to Dave’s Killer Bread, and more quinoa and lentils over rice.
  • I started following more vegan and plant based Instagram accounts for recipe inspiration.
  • I did allow myself to still eat fish and seafood when craving it.
  • I added in a Protea Vegan protein shake into my diet everyday to meet my protein needs. I l also added in a LOT of vegetables to EVERY meal.
  • I added in healthy fats. Avocado, nuts, nut butters, hemp hearts and plant based dairy options.

I am now over 2 years into this diet switch and feel AMAZING! I have noticed a huge improvement in my skin, hair and physique. My skin has a glow all the time, my hair has grown long, thick and always has a shine. My entire body is leaner than it has ever been, especially my stomach area.

My diet is full of colors, textures, and amazing flavors. My relationship with food and diet is stronger and healthier than ever! I hope these tips inspire you in the grocery store and in your kitchen!

Stay connected with Brittney Stracener on Instagram at @stayfitbritt

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