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The benefits of probiotics in Vibrant+

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Probiotics are live microorganisms that promote a healthy immune system and digestion as well as help prevent and treat illnesses. Probiotics are known as the “good bacteria” that make up our gut biome. Within our gut biome we have many different kinds of strains of these live microorganisms and they all play a very important role in our overall health and immune system function. 

Probiotics can be found in certain fermented foods that contain live or active cultures that we can consume in our diet.  However, supplementing with probiotics can be extremely beneficial if you are not taking in a variety of strains from the food you are eating. By maintaining the proper amounts of probiotics, the digestive tract can remain healthy and be able to filter out harmful bacteria, chemicals, toxins, and waste products. This can help improve symptoms such as gas, bloating, and constipation that many people suffer from. When good gut bacteria is not balanced, gut motility suffers along with the function of the gut barrier which can be directly connected to the immune system.

There are many factors that can kill healthy gut bacteria, ranging from alcohol consumption, antibiotics, smoking, not eating a wide variety of food, too many fried foods, consuming too many artificial sugars, dyes, flavors, or other harmful food additives, etc.  Making sure to replenish the good bacteria in our gut is extremely important. 

Protea Nutrition’s Vibrant+ is a great option for a probiotic supplement. Not only does Vibrant+ contain a blend of micronutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, fruits and veggies, but it also contains digestive enzymes and a blend of eleven different probiotic strains. No matter the strain of probiotics your body might be lacking, Protea Nutrition Vibrant+ has it all. 

Vibrant+ is unique from GI Assist in that it contains eleven different probiotic strains. Using specific strains can provide a targeted and effective approach for gut health, but multi strain probiotics do have a broader range of effects that can be more beneficial for certain people or conditions. Because everyone is so different, some trial and error may be necessary to find what works best for you. 

The contents of this blog should not be taken as medical advice.  It is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health problem-nor is it intended to replace the advice of a physician.  Always consult your physician or qualified health professional on any matters regarding your health.  

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