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Dr. Brandner’s 5 Point Check List to selecting a prenatal

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How to pick your prenatal vitamin.

Reviewing prenatals is a task I do weekly for my patients. There are so many on the market nowadays and it can feel overwhelming. You want to do what is best for your body and baby. There are several things that I look at when determining what prenatal to recommend for my patients. Prenatals provide needed nutrients that you simply can not fully obtain from food. Not to mention you will need extra with a baby growing inside of you.

Protea - Nourish+
Protea – Nourish+

Ideally, a prenatal should be started before you start trying to conceive, so those nutrients are doing their job before bringing your baby into the womb. However, starting today is better than not at all, and you are still doing so much good for your body and baby. Prenatals ensure that you have the appropriate doses of needed nutrients to support your health as a female and healthy pregnancy.

Here is my 5 step process I use when reviewing prenatal vitamins.

Folate versus folic acid

I will only recommend a prenatal vitamin that contains folate (5-methyltetrahydrofolate). Folate is the naturally occurring form of vitamin B9, and folic acid is a synthetic form of vitamin B9. The problem is some women carry gene variants that can hinder the last step of the conversion. This means that almost half of women struggle to get the full benefits from folic acid, and the remainder that your cells do not convert will then float around your body and can become toxic.*

Format of the vitamin

Many struggle to swallow vitamins as they tend to be larger in size, or you need to consume multiple pills to equal the daily dosage. Unfortunately, gummies are not the best option due to the sugar content and they often contain fewer vitamins than other formats. My recommendation is to stick with capsules or powder. If it is in an easy-to-consume format, you will be more likely to take it daily.*

Iron Amount & format

It is essential to know the iron format and amount provided in your supplement. Iron deficiency anemia is one of the most common nutritional deficiencies and a supplement that can cause side effects in some. The recommended amount for an iron supplement is 18 mg per day but increases to 27 mg per day during pregnancy.*

Vitamin D amount

Vitamin D deficiency commonly occurs during pregnancy and is more prevalent in certain high-risk groups. This includes vegetarians, those with limited sun exposure who live in cold climates, and ethnic minorities, especially those with darker skin.*

Quality of ingredients

Unfortunately, not all supplements are made alike. Many you buy in stores lack quality ingredients, and testing that has been completed to ensure no microbial, pathogens, heavy metals, or other harmful ingredients are in the supplement.*

Nourish+ is a high-quality prenatal that comes in a powder format making it easier to ingest and not to mention it tastes great. Remember, you do not need to be actively trying to conceive to start a prenatal – consider it a multivitamin for women of childbearing age.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Blog written by Protea Nutrition affiliate Dr. Tara Brandner DNP, FNP-C

Website: IG/ Facebook : tarabfertility

Podcast: Hopeful Hints: An Infertility Podcast 

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